Thursday, November 19, 2009

Assignment 5: Revised Survey and Comments

Personal Computer Use

This is a short survey about computer use. The purpose of the survey is to investigate how and why you use your computer(s), how much you use them in a typical day, and what knowledge you have about computers. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

1. What is your gender? (circle one) Male Female

2. Age(years)_________

3. What is the highest level of education you have attained?

a. Less than high school
b. High School
c. Some University
d. University Degree

4. Do you own a computer?

a. Yes (Skip to question #9)
b. No (Proceed to question#5)

5. Do you intend on purchasing a computer?

a. Yes (Skip to question # 7)
b. No (Proceed to question #6)

6. Which of the following statements best describes your reason for not purchasing a computer

a. I cannot afford a computer
b. I have no interest in owning/using a computer
c. What is a computer?
d. Other(please explain)______________________

7. Do you know what kind of computer you are going to buy (laptop/desktop, Apple, Sony etc.)?
a. Yes (Proceed to question # 8)

8. What kind of computer are you thinking of buying?
Brand of computer (Apple, Dell, Sony etc.)__________

9. How many computers do you, or anyone in your household, own? Please indicate type (desktop/laptop) and brand (Apple, Dell, Sony etc.)

For example:
I own 2 computers.
1 desktop(s). Brand(s) Apple
1 laptop(s). Brand(s) Sony

I own ________computers.
_____ desktop(s). Brand(s)____________
_____ laptop(s). Brand(s) _____________

10. How often do you use your computer in an average week? Please round down to the nearest hour (i.e. if you use the computer for 2 and a half hours/week then you would select a).

a. 0 - 2 hours
b. 3 - 5 hours
c. 6 - 8 hours
d. + 8 hours. Please estimate how many hours_________

Please read the following statements and rate them on a scale from 1 to 7, with 1 meaning “strongly disagree”, 4 meaning “neither agree nor disagree” and 7 meaning “strongly agree”

11. “I am able to fix my computer when it is not working”

Strongly Disagree________Strongly Agree

12. “I feel confident in my ability to install software on my computer, and use the internet to find relevant upgrades and plug-ins when needed”

Strongly Disagree________Strongly Agree

13. “The only thing I know about my computer is how to turn it on”


Strongly Disagree________Strongly Agree

14. Which of the following do you use your computer for? (select all that apply)

a. E-mail
b. Work
c. School
d. Surfing the internet (reading news, watching sports highlights etc.)
e. Gaming
f. Financing (taxes, budget spreadsheets etc.)
g. Watching movies/tv shows
h. Research (pricing cars, vacation spots etc.)
i. Other(please explain)______________

15. Using the options from question 14, which is the MAIN use of your computer_____________________?

16. Please explain in one or two sentences how your life would be affected if computers were not available for personal use.


Thank-you for your time!

Peer Feedback
Based on the feedback I received from four individuals, I made a number of modifications to my survey. I decided to include a brief description of the purpose of the survey. I also decided to add some demographic questions to the beginning of the survey.
It was suggested by a couple of people that the instructions ought to stand out a little more. After answering whether they own a computer, respondents are instructed to proceed to question #5 if they answer no, and skip to question #9 if they answer yes. A few of my respondents did not notice these instructions and continued on to the next question regardless of their response. I decided to put the relevant instructions beside their response, and bold it, so that the survey would be easier to follow.
I included an open ended option for question #6, as it was noted that someone may have a reason for not purchasing a computer that was not stated on the survey.
Question #7 and #8 were changed to be more specific in terms of “kind” of computer. I included some examples so that respondents will know what I am looking for in a response.
Questions # 6-8 of the original survey were combined into question #9. It makes more sense, and I was told would be easier to follow, if these questions were all grouped into one. This question was also changed so that it asked the respondent how many computers were in the household rather than simply asking how many computers they own. This was done because one of my respondents asked about his wife’s computer, and whether this should be included. I thought it would be more straightforward to include all computers in the household to avoid confusion of this nature.
Question #10, which asked respondents how many hours/week they tyically use thier computer, was changed slightly. The categories in this question were altered so that they would be mutually exclusive (the first draft had 2 hours as an option in a and b). An additional option was also included for respondents who use their computer less than 1 hour/week. An open ended response was included so that people who answered +8 hours could estimate how many hours they use the computer in a week.
The question regarding computer use was altered to include more options. My respondents had suggested that e-mail, financing, watching movies/tv shows, and research were some additional options. Also, it was suggested that school and work be separated, rather than including it as one option.
The last question was altered slightly. The original version of the survey asked how a person’s life would be altered if computers had never been invented. One of my respondents suggested this may be too broad. Therefore I changed it by asking how their lives would be different if computers were not available for personal use.

Assignment 5: Original Survey

1. Do you own a computer?
a. Yes
b. No
If Yes, skip to question #6
If No, answer question #2

2. Do you intent on purchasing a computer?
a. Yes
b. No
If Yes, skip to question # 4
If No, answer question #3

3. Which of the following statements best describes your reason for not purchasing a computer
a. I cannot afford a computer
b. I have no interest in owning/using a computer
c. What is a computer?

4. Do you know what kind of computer you are going to buy?
a. Yes
b. No
If Yes, answer question # 5.

5. What kind of computer are you thinking of buying?____________________

6. How many computers do you own?______________________

7. Do you own a laptop(s)? Y/N How many ?_________Mac or PC_______

8. Do you own a desktop(s)Y/N How many ?_________Mac or PC_______

9. How often do you use your computer in an average week?
a. 1-2 hours
b. 2-6 hours
c. 4-8 hours
d. + 8 hours

Please read the following statements and rate them on a scale from 1 to 7, with 1 meaning “strongly disagree”, 4 meaning “neither agree nor disagree” and 7 meaning “strongly agree”

10. “I am able to fix my computer when it is not working”

Strongly Disagree________Strongly Agree

11. “I feel confident in my ability to install software on my computer, and use the internet to find relevant upgrades and plug-ins when needed”

Strongly Disagree________Strongly Agree

12. “The only thing I know about my computer is how to turn it on”
1............2...........3...........4...........5...........6...........7 Strongly Disagree________Strongly Agree

13. Which of the following do you use your computer for? (select all that apply)
a. Work/school
b. Surfing the internet
c. Gaming
d. Other______________

14. Using the options from question 10, which is the MAIN use of your computer_____________________?

15. Please explain in one or two sentences how your life would be affected if computers had not been invented yet.